just a poem.
on the many lacerated walls
standing between emotion and falls
the decision to remain one, at nightfall
ballooned away like a disastrous play
in which none of us came out unscathed
a marriage that tarnished our sense of self
we did not stand a chance from that ultimate quarrel
words that you said stomping on my heartbeats
tears that I shed as a result of so much conflict
love was not for us, though we emanated in its illusion
we bought a house, we valued our many attentions
moments of joy, moments of pure admiration
children, emancipating our particular world, source of benediction
the smiles were bright, the coziness so tight
families encourage while also fight
and ours transformed itself to a ray of light
not once I envisioned a separation
nor being deeply affected by such lamentation
I can only hope for the sake of our little ones
that we spare them sorrow
from our love’s broken windows.